Stainless Steel Condensate Return Units Text Only

Stainless Steel Condensate Return Units

High Quality Stainless Steel Exceptional Value, Extraordinary Quality

Aero Stainless Steel Condensate Return Units from Industrial Steam offer the best materials available for long life. Tanks have a 20 year warranty against corrosion and are made from 12 gauge 304 SS with internal ribbing where needed for excellent strength. Available in five standard sizes; 12, 25, 45, 70 and 100 gallon capacities (custom sizes and configurations as required); tanks only, and in simplex or duplex pump configuration (triplex and quadplex available on request). Compact dimensions and light weight make it a simple task to replace your old cast iron unit. System accessories are of the highest quality. These tanks are made to fit many other brands of vertical flange mount pumps. Be sure to see our pumps for a complete system.

Pumps are made of investment cast stainless steel. The single stage impeller is of semi-open design allowing for occasional pumping of small solids without clogging. Pump is externally adjustable to like new performance should wear ever occur.

Pumps are permanently aligned to the electric motor, never requiring alignment at the job sight. Pumps are furnished with 250*F mechanical seals, and are equipped with a seal cavity bleed line to keep the seal lubricated and minimize the probability of premature seal failure. Pump discharge openings are NPT.

Electric Motors are drip proof ball bearing as standard. Standard motors are: three phase- 208/230/460 V TEFC, Single phase -11 5/208/230 V ODP. Various other voltages are available on request. Other motors available are explosion proof, wash down duty, premium efficiency, and any other motor available with a 56C frame.

Motor/pump controls available for simplex, duplex, triplex, and quadplex, in single phase, or three phase with a limitless list of available options for any requirement. Nema 1 is standard enclosure. All other enclosures available.

Standard unit includes: SS tank complete with flange mounted SS pump close coupled to motor of HP shown 115/208-230V/1/60 or 208-230/460v/3/60 3450 RPM ODP. Simplex unit has NEMA 1 float switch and duplex has NEMA 1 alternating float switch. Sight Glass is standard. Available motor options: TEFC, washdown duty, & explosion proof motors. Additional Accessories: Thermometer, Nema 4 electrics, Isolation valves.


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