Blowdown Systems
Blowdown Heat Recovery: Industrial grade continuous blowdown heat recovery system. Saves fuel by directing flash for use in the deaerator and transferring heat from blowdown to cold makeup water using a plate/frame or shell/tube heat exchanger.
Blowdown Separators: Wilson boiler blowdown systems are built around the Wilson centrifugal blowdown separator. The boiler blowoff is piped tangentially into the separator. In the resulting vortex the pressure is released, allowing the steam flash to rise through the vent while the water and sludge fall through the drain.
Exhaust Heads: The use of Wilson Exhaust Heads eliminates objectionable noise created by high velocity discharge of steam, air, or other gases. They also offer protection from exhausted moisture by collecting and draining off liquids entrained in steam vapors.
Condensing Units: National, state and local anti-pollution laws, either existing or proposed, generally include maximum temperature limitations for waste water drained into lakes, streams, etc.